Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment is used to repair and save a badly damaged or infected tooth. When the inside of the tooth (known as the pulp) becomes infected, the nerves and blood vessels that are housed in the pulp become affected. Once affected, it can cause moderate to severe pain.

With root canal treatment, the pulp is removed from the tooth through a series of tiny holes that are created in the tooth enamel. The inside of the tooth is then cleaned out and disinfected before the tooth is filled and sealed. There are several factors that may affect the pulp, such us a crack in the tooth, an exposed nerve, a deep cavity, repeated dental treatments, or trauma to the tooth.

If you think that you may need a root canal, consult Dr Veeran at Veeran Dental. Dr Veeran will then take x-rays or examine existing x-rays that will indicate where the decay is located. A local anaesthetic will then be administered to the affected tooth, in order to ensure that you are made to feel as comfortable as possible during this procedure. Once the effect of the anaesthetic kicks in, an opening will be made in the tooth, and the pulp will be removed, before the hole is cleaned, filled and sealed.

Once you have had a root canal, your tooth will function the same as it did before it became infected. And since there is no longer a root in your tooth, you do not have to worry about the pain returning. Merely maintain impeccable oral hygiene at home, and schedule bi-annual dental appointments.